They sent me back $2 in the post (sending cash in the mail, naughty ::tsk::) after my disastrous attempt to get Salt & Vinegar Kettle chips from the machines yesterday.
Today, I was supposed to ask Mr. Alexander about the platy and cory in the school tank (kept with goldfish. Break my heart, why don't you?), but ended up getting caught in a debate with a yr11 kid and Mr. A about evolution, and the (kid reckons) lack of evidence to support it. Nice enough change from the usual.
Ben pulled a sickie today. Except, he's actually sick. So I'll let this one slide -- for now. :P
I managed to sleep through about 10 minutes of Physics today. Nice. :| Richard woke me, so... yay! Still. How the hell do I manage to pull off 8hrs of sleep, a 45min nap, and still be tired?
Anyway, probably should write out something for Kane, and then chew on some math. I dunno, equilibrium (Chem) is okay in my head. Ditto, Physics. Just have to get the graphs straight in my head. But apparently, we have a SAC Monday week. Joy!
Homeworking. /dnd.
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