We r haz isshews w/ da intrwebz! Come on, I'm having DNS errors on *Google*. Who the hell ever receives DNS errors on *Google*? It's never been down in the decade or so that I've been using it to pirate musi- er, to browse the internet. See if you can decipher this thing that Bina and I got going this morning: "[I] edited the edit, which was made to edit the edit of [my] edit of [Rhadika's] scribble." Basically, Rhadika wrote "I SUCK" on my hand in 0.6mm Artline marker. I edited the I to a D, and rewrote it to read "RHADIKA SUCKS". So Rhadika had to amend it to read "RHADIKA DOESN'T SUCKS [grammatical error!] BUT LINH DOES :P". Insert naughty joke here. I added "
I don't think there's ever been any proof of people being affected by modern inks being absorbed through the skin. Though, if there is, let me know, yeah? DNS seems to be working fine for Google (for the intermediary), so I'm going to go back to either browsing the interwebz, or taking a nap. Goodnight.
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