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Aug 27, 2009

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape...

I never before realised just how much I missed the Harry Potter series.

Pirating is fun!  But ah, no-one said anything about anything illegal, right?  ;)  I'm totally talking of sitting in a little wooden boat in the middle of the ocean, waving the Jolly Roger and pillaging and stuff.

Evil cursed necklaces are the new couture, are they?  :|  That's an ugly piece of crap.

My priorities are skewed.  I should be memorising Kane quotes.  But I know enough to get by, I hope.  As for film techniques...

  • Susan's meeting Kane ("I don't know many people." "I know too many people.  I guess we're both lonely.") and subsequent interactions, including the opening night of Salammbô!, showing that "everything was his idea."
  • Leland and Kane's argument, post-election: Jed's observation that Kane wants "love on [his] terms", and that he "talks about the people as if they belong to [him]."  The first astute note of Kane's egotistic nature, and his instinct to buy people things (more specifically, to "make [the people] a gift of freedom").
  • Mise-en-scènes, most notably when Jed gets fired ("He never finished anything except my review" -- a link to Xanadu -> completing his life) and when Thatcher visits Mary and Jim.
  • (Credit:  Ben)
    Jed: You're still eating?
    Kane: I'm still hungry.
    Hungry for what?  Hungry for POWER!  (insert Over 9000 joke here)
  • (Credit: Ben)
    "You provide the prose, I'll provide the war."
    Everyone except Leland is wearing those funny Spanish hats, that I can't quite remember the name of.  The hats symbolise support, for the Spanish-American War that (according to the movie) was started by Kane for his own needs.
  • The Breakfast Montage.
Those 6 should be enough.

My ass is numb.  That's what I get for leaving my donkey tied up somewhere for long periods of time...

No, but really.  I should move.

::shifts::  I should probably study, too.  ::stretches to reach notes, fails::  Eh.  ::abandons Quest::

Ben, shut up.  :(  I'm trying to watch my movie.

And my Volume Mixer has died, again.  Ffs.  I may need to reinstall drivers.  Bri, help?  :\

Anyway, back to my movie.  Ben's downloaded The Lion King, so...  ::awaits for the incessant, inevitable spouting of quotes::


Posted via email from youretrulypre.posterous

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